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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hello there..

I am coming out..
Not out of my pj's

but out of my comfortable little box of a shell. 4 years ago I decided to do a blog. I had one post and literally froze and never wrote again. Here's the deal, It's hard for me to not be completely true, and since I wasn't ready I avoided. I feel that 4 years later, I am ready to be honest, raw and expose myself (haha I always laugh when I say that) so that people can see a light in a dark place. And by light I mean Jesus and by dark place I mean myself.

I'm a 35 year old youngen, who is married to (God bless him) a guy named Jason and we have 3 children (Celeste 16, Sage 12, Berlin 2) and one on the way, due in 8 weeks. We are dealing with teenage drama and toddler tantrums! IT'S ALL CRAZY UP IN OUR HOUSE!
We have dogs, chickens, cats, gardens, and drunk neighbors.. let's just say we are "Wanna be farmers" who live in the hood.

I love this crazy life of ours but sometimes it doesn't go as planned.. well let me be honest.. ALL THE TIME!

I'm passionate about Jesus and my hope for this blog would be somehow you would see an imperfect person who has loads of amounts of grace poured into her life to be the women she is today. I would hope that you would be inspired to be who God created you to be, whether that's a singer, an artist, a mom, a friend, a dog walker, a police officer... whatever it is you are somehow reading these parts of my dramatic life would give you hope to do it better!!

KNOW THIS: we are all children of the Father and our Identity is found in Him.
This statement actually took me about 35 years to learn.. and re learn.

If your looking for a Better Homes and Garden blog THIS ISN'T IT!!!
I can't be one of those bloggers that always has a clean kitchen with a perfect picture of her cooking with her children playing gently in the background and her husband winking at her in the corner. Nope that just can't be me because well, I don't have that life. I have a loud house, someone's always crying or barking.. there is always dishes in the sink, and my although my husband loves me, he's not winking at me he's probably trying to give me the look of "HELP ME!! THE KIDS ARE OUT NUMBERING US!"

I can promise honesty,  and a woman after God's own heart. And, that's about it.

Well, there you have it folks.. Nothing fancy, just me.

Camille out! (Get it? Like Seacrest out.. Ryan Seacrest.. Not funny?? Ok-_-)

p.s. Im not even going to proof read this bc I could care less about grammar.)

This is my family.. last year's Christmas photo op!